Willie Washington

Dallas resident, Willie Washington , was selected as the national winner for the 2015 Richard L. Swanson Inspiration Award for his dedication to well-being and fitness. When Hurricane Katrina forced Washington and his wife to relocate to Texas, he was unable to pursue his active passions for gardening and home improvements from their new apartment. Washington, a UnitedHealthcare member, joined SilverSneakers through 24 Hour Fitness® to get active again. The fitness program served as a powerful support system for him when he was diagnosed with cancer. Throughout his treatment, Washington continued to attend classes with joy and enthusiasm. He even came up with his own motivational slogan: SAFE (Stay Active and Fit Every Day). His motivation extends to his fellow classmates and participants, as his cheerful, friendly and caring attitude is contagious to all around him. In his 80s, Washington is undeniably one of the strongest and healthiest individuals in his classes.